The Albums
The Singles
The Band
The Gigs
The Story of Sky
Although Sky's record companies released at least one single from each album, the only one of them to chart at all was Toccata, which rose to no.5 in the UK charts on 5th April 1980.
The B sides of the first two singles released at the time of the first album appeared on the second album, and two single tracks never appeared on albums (see below). Furthermore, Fool on the Hill only appeared on Masterpieces (which it was released to promote). Several promotional pressings have also appeared over time, including one to promote the release of the first three albums on CD in 1992, and these are included on this page.
Clicking on some of the covers below will bring up a better version of the picture, formatted for use as your computer desktop (all at 1024x768 resolution). The three track titles in white text are links to one-minute MP3 samples (as they don't appear on any of the albums).

Cannonball Tristan’s Magic Garden Aro 159 May 1979

Carillon El Cielo Aro 182 September 1979

Toccata Vivaldi Aro 200 (7") Aro 300 (12") March 1980

Toccata/Carillon Vivaldi/Cannonball 12" Promo PROMO15 August 1980

Dies Irae March To The Scaffold Dies1 (12") August 1980

Sky 3 Promo March 1981

Masquerade Fantasy Aro 276 March 1982

My Giselle Fantasia Aro 278 May 1982

Five Live Promo January 1983

The Animals Pt. 1 KP II Aro 292 January 1983

Troika Why Don’t We? Aro 306 (12") November 1983

Fool On The Hill The Spirit Aro 311 April 1984

Desperate For Your Love The Great Balloon Race A6124 March 1985

Night Sky KP4 A6257 May 1985

Marriage of Figaro: Overture A Musical Joke: Presto SKYDJ1 November 1987

CD Release Promo Westway Toccata Sarabande PROMO1 Spring 1992