The Albums
The Singles
The Band
The Gigs
The Story of Sky
This is an article by Bill McAllister used as liner notes to a Sky compilation album. Probably the best summary of what the band was about.
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Fronted by Australia-born classical guitarist John Williams, Sky was
an instrumental group that elevated the mixing of classical, jazz and
rock influences into the kind of music that sounded familiar but
challenging. From their formation in 1979 they made an immediate
impact on audiences all over the world. They had the dynamics to play
large venues without appearing dwarfed and small halls without
sacrificing the flamboyant element of their expertise.
Williams had joined forces with classically-based percussionist
Tristan Fry, former Curved Air keyboards player Francis Monkman,
bassist Herbie Flowers and rock guitarist Kevin Peek. Taken from their
Sky 2 album, Toccata (an extravagant arrangement of Bach) gave them a
hit single in 1980 and an even wider audience, and it was clear that
although Williams was the driving force behind the band's being, the
other members had a big say, with Peek, Flowers and Monkman composing
material to develop their sound.
After the release of their sixth album, Cadmium, in 1983, Williams
left the group to pursue alternative musical avenues, but the other
members carried on until 1987 - recording two further albums - but
admitted that the battle's loss in that year. It appeared that
Williams had grown tired of the demands of constant touring by 1983,
while audiences had grown tired of turning up by 1987.
Those halcyon years, however, proved that a band without a vocalist
could generate a fanatical following. Ironically, the release of Sky 5
live in 1983 - recorded in Williams's native Melbourne as part of yet
another sell-out world tour - proved their crowning moment and also
the seed to their demise. Sky had found an alchemic solution to
bringing together the art of melding different musical cultures and
making it gold every time, but Cadmium's squarer pop stance perhaps
signaled too much of a dilution.
On the Best OF Sky there is exactly that - the best. Brimful with
technique - an attribute often decried by their critics, who claimed
the group were introverted perfectionists hell-bent on self-serving
workouts rather than playing for their audiences - they also display
admirable taste in both the material they choose by other writers and
the flourish of their own compositions. A sensational reading of the
gorgeous Hoagy Carmichael/Johnny Mercer Skylark, with Williams
fingertip-sensitive to the point of absolute empathy, sits easily with
a delicate interpretation of Satie's haunting Gymnopedie No.1. Both
tracks feel just as right as more upbeat numbers, like the
Flowers/Monkman Westway or Darry Way's (who was the violinist with
Monkman in Curved Air) Vivaldi.
The weight of probability is that Sky was a one-off combination which
can never be repeated. Without ever becoming dependent on the cult of
personality (Sky posters with toothpaste smiles and fashion victim
clothes styles never existed) they imposed their collective musical
personality on a worldwide audience in a way only few ever achieve. It
was the strength of their vision and fearlessness in how they would
present their music which garnered them that huge audience. The music
press, always vexed by having to acknowledge that not every band need
be rent-a-quote dummies, only nodded approval, and grudgingly at that,
on few occasions. It was the general public in countless countries
across five continents who didn't give a hoot and simply, when it came
to Sky, heard what they liked and liked what they heard.
Listen to the interaction between Williams and Peek throughout the
album. Neither is afraid of the other, rather they play like members
of the same family, each giving the other the appropriate space and
support when needed. Likewise, Fry's underlying percussive strength is
constantly allotted an appropriate role, whether driving the outfit
forward or injecting subtle nuances at vital moments. Monkman's
experience with a rock band - Curved Air, who could also boast Police
drummer Stewart Copeland as a member - serves him well when asked to
fill out the soundspace with the elements of a technology-led brave
new future, yet he never succumbs to the temptation to let the machine
be his master. Herbie Flowers - an estimable member of Blue Mink - had
been one of the session stalwarts of the British music industry, a
faultless bass player and with Sky, a write of no mean ability. His
co-composition with Peek, Chiropodie No. 1, is a stately affair and an
ingenious riposte to the Satie reading.
This is music of stature and dignity, neither overburdened with
pretension nor dragged down by novelty. It is also thoroughly
enjoyable, it's the aural equivalent of your comfortable piece of
clothing because it's comforting, and it's also questioning,
teasing. It is, in fact, just what it says it is - the best of Sky.