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John Williams
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Playing with my Computer: (yes, of course it's sad...)
- Panrix AMD Athlon, 64MB Ram, known as 'Alex' (yep, sad again)
- Hard drive space: 6 + 3 Gig
- Modem: US Robotics 56K, but hopefully ADSL soon!
- Operating System: Windows 98 but I'll probably be migrating to some flavour of Linux as soon as I learn some more about it and it has a smoother learning curve.
- Games: I'm not really into shoot-em-ups. I either play computer versions of cerebral games such as some versions of Solitaire or backgammon. For something a bit more active, I go for pinball simulations. I must have tried just about every pinball sim on the market, and my favourite is Psycho Pinball.
- First computer I ever worked on: Apple II in 1984
- Date I first connected to the 'Information Superhighway': 16th April 1995
- Organisation via which the above happened: Compu$erve (YUK!)
- My current Internet Provider: BT Internet
Online activities:
Newsgroups I read and deliberately post to, more or less frequently:
- alt.life.universe.everything, which has a kind of FAQ
- soc.culture.polish, all about all things Polish
- rec.music.classical.guitar, where CG fans (and players, though I'm not one) wibble on forever...
- uk.media.tv.misc - don't just watch it!
- alt.startrek, which is invariably chaotic, but some strange ideas come out occasionally)
- alt.binaries.startrek, where lots of people with lots of people time on their hands (and fast net connections) go crazy
- uk.telecom, whose title is pretty obvious
Newsgroups I read/lurk in:
- I'm not telling (someday I might....)
A few web sites I find useful or interesting, and in no particular order:
- Google, my search engine of choice.
- winfiles.com, not an official Microsoft page, and much better for it)
- Windows 95 Annoyances
- The Lightbulb Joke List
- Laura's Garfield Page - all fans of the yellow & black cat have got to see this!
- BigNoseBird, HTML, CGI, Perl scripts and tips, links to other resources...
- The BBC, needs no introduction
- The Register, for a more irreverent view of the news
- Dictionary.com, mainly for The Word Of The Day
- Star Trek.com, for the Trekkie in all of us
- Star Trek in Sound and Vision, worth a link, if only because I'm one of the two people running it. :)
Watching Television:
Shows I watch:
- Movies
- Almost any science fiction, but especially: Star Trek
- Legal dramas
- Natural history series
- Off the wall comedies: The League of Gentlemen, etc
Shows I don't watch:
- soap operas
- sitcoms
- mini-series based on 3inch thick novels
Listening to Music:
Tastes: eclectic (sorry: WEIRD)
- Favourite instrument: guitar (in all forms, but I don't play any of them)
- Jazz: Louis Armstrong, Cab Calloway, Benny Goodman, Django Reinhardt
- Classical:
- Favourite Composers: Albeniz, Boccerini, Gershwin, Kilar, Mozart, Ravel, Telemann, Tchaikovsky
- Favourite Musicians: John Williams, Jehudi Menuhin, Glenn Gould, Sir Georg Solti
- Film Music:
- almost anything by Jerry Goldsmith or Danny Elfman
- Rock and Pop:
- Favourite groups/artists: none really, I prefer to go by individual albums, but: The Rolling Stones, Meat Loaf, Dire Straits, Queen, REM, Johnny Cash, Van Morrisson
- Favourite Groups/artists you've probably never heard of: Sky, Michel Sardou, Francis Cabrel, Daniel Balavoine, Jan Pietrzak, Jacek Kaczmarski, Czerwone Gitary
- Music I don't listen to voluntarily
- Anything without a recognisable tune
- Any song where the group can't play their instruments
- 'Songs' which depend on shouting, not singing
Keeping up with the News
- Favourite place in the world to visit: Paris, France
- Least Favourite place in the world to live: Paris, France
- Countries I have visited: U.K., Ireland, France, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Greece, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Morocco, Tunisia
- Countries I would like to visit: U.S.A., China, Australia, South Africa
- Favourite food: anything, as long as it's made properly
- Favourite alcocholic drink (short): Krupnik (Polish delicacy based on vodka and honey)
- Favourite alcocholic drink (beer): Theakston's Bitter
- Favourite soft drink: anything uncarbonated
- Favourite hot drink: chocolate (unsweetened)
- Favourite ice cream flavour: Rum 'n' Raisin
- Favourite Fruit Pastilles Flavour: Black
The kind of people I like:
- Those who don't take themselves too seriously
- Those who are prepared to stick up for what they believe in, even if I don't agree
- Those who are prepared to concede having lost an argument
- Those who like me ;)
The kind of people I don't like:
- Spammers
- Bigots
- Those who think political correctness is a good thing
- Those who can't see beyond the tip of their own nose
- Those who don't know how to use 'their', 'there' and 'they're' properly
- Those who say 'I don't like [opera, classical music, pop music, foreign food, ...]' without ever having tried it.
- Those who don't like me ;)